Creative and Fine Arts, Communication, and 设计
Do these characteristics describe you?
- I am creative, expressive, independent, original and innovative
- I like self-expression, writing, and working with ideas
- I am good at performing arts, visual arts, music, and being imaginative
- I like to speak and/or perform in front of people.
- I want to learn how to take abstract concepts and portray them in original ways
- I have strong communication skills.
- I like to create things that entertain or inform others
- 音视频技术员
- 多媒体艺术家
- 动画师
- 架构师
- 男/女演员
- 歌手
- 翻译
- 翻译
- 记者和作家
- 老师
- 网页开发人员
Transfer, 度, and 证书s in Creative and Fine Arts, Communication, and 设计
If you don’t see the degree or certificate program you’re looking for, try searching 在 Society, Behavior, and Culture 或者是 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 职业和学术途径.
- 关联程度
Students who successfully complete the requirements for graduation, including all locally approved major prep work, general education requirements, and a minimum of 60 units of degree applicable work, may be awarded either an Associate of Arts (AA) or an Associate of Science (AS) degree. Generally, STEM and career technical education based majors qualify as AS degrees, whereas all other areas are classified as AA degrees. 指 the individual program pages for each degree’s classification.
- Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or an Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T)
Students who successfully complete the requirements for graduation, including all approved transfer model curriculum requirements with a “C” grade or higher, general education and transfer requirements associated with an approved transfer pattern, and a minimum of 60 units of CSU transferable work with a minimum 2.总绩点0分; may be awarded either an Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or an Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) degree. STEM and career technical education based majors are classified as AS-Ts, whereas all other areas are classified as AA-Ts. 指 the individual program pages for each degree’s classification.
- Locally-Approved证书
Students who successfully complete the requirements set by locally approved, low unit programs may be issued a certificate denoting their completion. 证书项目 do not require the completion of a general education pattern. 这些项目不是 approved to appear as awards on official college transcripts, and paper certificates that are awarded may not be available for reproduction if lost or damaged. 请 contact the department of Career Technical Education for additional details.
- 成绩证书
Students who successfully complete the requirements of selected programs approved by the California 社区 Colleges’ Chancellor’s Office, may receive a 证书s of Achievement that will appear 在ir official college transcript. 证书 of Achievement programs do not require the completion of a general education pattern.
The program maps listed below are visual semester by semester roadmaps representing
a combination of major and general education coursework as well as faculty recommended
courses and sequencing that may enhance your college and learning experience in relation
Each program map represents one possible pathway for degree and/or certificate obtainment
仅供参考. 请 schedule an appointment with a counselor to develop your individualized 学生教育计划. It is also important to discuss your transfer options with a counselor because each
university will require specific courses.
英语(AA, AA- t)
English as Second Language (ESL)
音乐(AA, AA- t)